
What is Aidat?

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What is Aidat?

What is Aidat?

When buying a property in Turkey, it is important to consider the price of the future maintenance of the apartment. One of the most important items of expenditure is the "Aidat". "Aidat" is the monthly maintenance fee that is determined by the general assembly of the homeowners of the facility, and at the assembly the amount of the aidat and the payday are also determined.


What is included in Aidat?

The fees paid to cover expenses in the common areas are themselves divided into many types. The cost of the apartment is borne by the people who reap the benefits of using the apartment. These items are like facility water bill, facility electricity bill, janitor, gardener, garbage, cleaner and elevator maintenance etc.


What are the additional costs in Turkey?

In Turkey, the utility costs of a spacious apartment range from around €40-75 - less than half that of London and not several hundred as is mostly the case in Western Europe.


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